The job description of governing authorities is not determined by the majority; it is determined by the Lord. The Lord God makes the marching orders for all legislative representatives and any civil magistrate. God tells City Councils what to council; through the written Word, the Spirit of God commands Governors how to govern; the Lord Jesus Christ chooses how Sheriff’s sheriff, how Police police, how Presidents preside, how Courts conclude, and how Cabinets conduct. In Romans 13, God says through Paul that the governing authorities are His “servants,” which at the very least denotes that He is their master. Civil servants are not primarily the servants of the people. Rather, civil servants are primarily the servants of God Himself, and they, therefore, must do as He commands or reap the consequences.
What does God say concerning the duties of governing authorities? Consider Psalm 82:2-4.
“How long will you judge unjustly
and show partiality to the wicked? Selah
Give justice to the weak and the fatherless;
maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:2-4).
Is the truth not clear? Governing authorities must not judge unjustly nor show partiality to the wicked. They must give justice to the weak and the fatherless, maintaining the right of the afflicted and the destitute. And if that is not clear enough when it comes to governing authorities’ duties before God, He says, “Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.” Therefore it is the obligation of all governing authorities to establish justice, not allowing anyone to kill an innocent human being with impunity. In his commentary on Psalm 82, William S. Plumer writes,
“The duties of magistrates are very difficult and onerous [burdensome]. They have great need of wisdom, truthfulness, courage, calmness, humility, benevolence, patience and a nice sense of justice. . . . As to the doom of wicked rulers the Scriptures give us fearful examples in many and no less fearful predictions, Isaiah 14:14, 15; Ezekiel 28:1-11.”
God’s civil servants need help as they bear the burden of ruling. Those who personally know the way, the truth, and the life should help those who govern by way of encouragement and exhortation. The sobering reality we must all face is that God’s civil servants have weighty responsibilities, and the consequences of their actions are life or death. In Isaiah 14, God says wicked rulers will be brought “down to the pit,” and in Ezekiel 28, He declares that the wicked Prince of Tyre “shall die the death of the slain.” God’s commands for civil authorities are clear: He demands in His Scriptures that they outlaw such horrific acts as abortion. How will they know and be faithful to obey the King of kings when it comes to their duties if we do not tell them by speaking the truth in love? Therefore, the Lord’s people must tell their State Senators, State Representatives, Governors, and Attorney Generals what God demands of them. Christ has a kingdom of citizens armed with the sword of the Spirit who are to call God’s servants to do what is right—to establish justice, primarily by protecting the weak and the innocent. We must demand our governing authorities establish equal justice by abolishing abortion, therefore making it illegal to kill babies. Will you love those who represent you in positions of civil government enough to speak plainly and soberingly about what their master commands them to do?
- We must rescue those being take away to death because God commands us to, and this is exactly what Christ has done for believers. click to learn more
- We must reject to the approval of murder because God does not approve of the murder of those without detectable heartbeats; He does not approve of killing the innocent only after you have waited 72 hours; He does not approve of slaughtering children with vacuums or pills, just as long as you cannot dismember them with forceps, and neither should we. click to learn more
- We must demand our governing authorities establish equal justice, making it illegal to murder babies because governing authorities must not judge unjustly nor show partiality to the wicked. They must give justice to the weak and the fatherless, maintaining the right of the afflicted and the destitute. click to learn more
- We must reject any medicine that kills babies as well as medicine that was produced by killing babies because we are commanded to “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them” (Ephesians 5:11). click to learn more
- We must go to the abortion clinics; preaching the gospel, pleading with parents not to slaughter their children, and providing real help because when believers do this, God saves sinners and rescues babies. click to learn more
- We must proclaim the horrors of abortion and point everyone to Christ crucified because this is how God rescues babies, sanctifies saints, and saves sinners. click to learn more
- The Five Tenets of Abolitionism
- The Five Components of an Abolition Bill
- Doctrinal Statement Addendum: On Abolishing Abortion
- Frequently Asked Questions
You will stand before God and give an account. The only way that will go well for you is because, if you are in Christ, Jesus rescued you who were being carried off to death! He marched to the cross to rescue you as you were stumbling to the slaughter. He interposed His precious blood. Seeing that Christ is our great example of rescuing those being carried off to death, we must not only offer real help to those who come to us, we must actively interpose on behalf of our preborn neighbors and at the same time offer the real hope of Christ clothed in His gospel. Did Christ Jesus only say, “Come to me . . . and I will give you rest?” (Matthew 11:28) or did He also say, “The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10)? You know He said both. Jesus is not only the Great Physician you must come to for help, He is also the Hound of Heaven who must track you down and rescue you without your permission. His rescue of you has left you a model for rescuing others, believer. Proverbs 24:11 is what the Lord Jesus Christ has done for you. Will you not do for others, in your small way, what Christ has done for you in His infinite way? As Christ has rescued us, we must rescue others. Oh, how sweet that the rescued become the rescuers!